iTunes for Windows: Moving your iTunes Media folder - Apple Support Learn how to move your iTunes Media folder to a different location on your Windows PC.
 ... Notes: 
	 To move the iTunes Media folder on a Mac, see iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder. 
	 If your iTunes library
itunes location on windows 7 - Microsoft Community I lost the content of my PC due a HD failure but the content of my system was saved to an external hd question:where is the main itunes folder located on my backup drive? I am running Windows 7. ... Getting help and advice from one of the many experts her
Windows® 7: Backup iTunes Music - YouTube Follow the steps given in the video to backup iTunes music on a Windows® 7 based PC. Music files are as important as any other document or file stored on the computer system. Creating a backup of all the data stored on your computer system not only saves
how do i change backup location on windows 7__ - Microsoft Community It appears you must use "change settings" and perform a backup at the new location and accept this new location as the new default backup location. There appears to be no simple way of telling Windows to make a full backup at some nominated location as a
iTunes Backup File under Windows 7 - where is it? - iPhone, iPad ... ... 7 Ultimate on my PC and I want to backup the iTunes backup file for my iPhone . ... However I don't know where it is located under Windows 7.
iTunes同步、備份、下載儲存路徑--==最專業、最眾多的app 介紹、討論 ... Windows Vista 和Windows 7: C:\使用者\(使用者名稱)\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications\. iTunes備份iOS裝置的儲存位置. Mac:/使用者/(使用者 ...